Do you know what jewelry meant to the Egyptians? The main peculiarity of Egyptian jewelery was its symbology of fertility, avoiding diseases, warding off evil, renewing life and invoking the blessings of some gods such as Horus and Hathor. For example, the ankh or key of life protected the life of whoever carried it, keeping away all evil and darkness.

The jewelry production in Ancient Egypt had varied uses. It served as an amulet and protection. In fact, the first pieces of jewelry were small stones used as pendants, from which the best known amulets will derive, which would be used alone or forming complex jewels.

What do jewels mean to the Egyptians?
Jewels represented wealth and status in life, but they were also part of the funerary trousseau in death (thanks to this practice, a good number of jewels have survived to this day). They were worn by both women and men, including earrings.
Jewels represented wealth and status in life, but they were also part of the funerary trousseau in death (thanks to this practice, a good number of jewels have survived to this day). They were worn by both women and men, including earrings.

What jewelry did the Egyptians wear?
Amulets, necklaces, pectorals or rings made of gold and precious stones... beautiful and luxurious creations, whose magical power must benefit their wearers.
Amulets, necklaces, pectorals or rings made of gold and precious stones... beautiful and luxurious creations, whose magical power must benefit their wearers.

What metals did the Egyptians use?
Gold, silver and electrum (silver and gold alloy) were the metals of choice for making jewelry. Gold, with its brilliance and incorruptibility, was related to the sun and the concept of immortality (thus, the flesh of the gods was gold). Silver was related to the moon; silver were also the bones of the gods.
Gold, silver and electrum (silver and gold alloy) were the metals of choice for making jewelry. Gold, with its brilliance and incorruptibility, was related to the sun and the concept of immortality (thus, the flesh of the gods was gold). Silver was related to the moon; silver were also the bones of the gods.

Which was one of the main jewels of Egypt?
One of the preferred jewels by the Egyptians were bead necklaces. The jewels were clear indicators of the rank of their wearers. In this way, the best-placed characters could wear jewelry made of gold, silver, carnelian, lapis lazuli, etc.

How did the Egyptians work gold?
The remains of the mines have allowed us to reconstruct the way in which these miners worked: they cut fragments of rock, drilling up to 10 meters, in search of quartz veins that contained gold. Then, with their rudimentary tools, they crushed the quartz and extracted the precious metal.
Have you ever heard about Egyptian jewelry? Did you like it? Would you buy them? Would you wear this type of jewelry?
¿Sabias qué significaban las joyas para los egipcios?
La principal particularidad de las joyas egipcias era su simbología de la fertilidad, evitar enfermedades, alejar el mal, renovar la vida e invocar las bendiciones de algunos dioses como Horus y Hathor. Por ejemplo, el ankh o llave de la vida resguardaba la vida de quién la cargara, alejando todo el mal y oscuridad.

La manufactura joyera en el Antiguo Egipto tenia usos variados. Servía como como amuleto y protección. De hecho, las primeras piezas de joyería son pequeñas piedras utilizadas como colgantes, de ahi derivaran los amuletos mas conocidos, que se utilizaran solos o formando joyas complejas.

¿Qué significaban las joyas para los egipcios?
Las joyas representaban riqueza y status en vida, pero también formaban parte del ajuar funerario en la muerte (gracias a esta práctica, nos han llegado hasta hoy una buena cantidad de joyas). Las usaban tanto mujeres como hombres, pendientes incluidos.

¿Qué joyas usaban los egipcios?
Amuletos, collares, pectorales o anillos realizados en oro y piedras preciosas... bellas y lujosas creaciones, cuyo poder mágico debía beneficiar a sus portadores.

¿Qué metales usaban los egipcios?
Oro, plata y electrum (aleación de oro y plata) fueron los metales predilectos para la fabricación de joyas. El oro, con su brillo e incorruptibilidad, se relacionaba con el sol y con el concepto de inmortalidad (así, la carne de los dioses era de oro). La plata se relacionó con la luna; de plata eran también los huesos de los dioses.

¿Cuál era una de las joyas principales de Egipto?
Una de las joyas preferidas por los egipcios eran los collares de cuenta. Las joyas eran claros indicadores del rango de sus portadores. De esta manera los personajes mejor situados podían lucir joyas realizadas en oro, plata, cornalina, lapislázuli, etc.

¿Cómo trabajaban el oro los egipcios?
Los restos de las minas han permitido reconstruir la forma en que trabajaban estos mineros: cortaban fragmentos de roca, perforando hasta 10 metros, en busca de las vetas de cuarzo que contenían oro. Luego, con sus rudimentarias herramientas, trituraban el cuarzo y entresacaban el metal precioso.
¿Alguna vez habías escuchado sobre las joyas egipcias? ¿Te gustan? ¿Comprarías algo de este estilo? ¿Te las pondrías algo similar?